Solid Propellants
Solid Propellants
Solid Propellants
For Commercial Automotive and Military Applications
General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Seattle Operation’s primary manufacturing facility is located in Moses Lake, Washington. It is a 40,000 square foot facility on a 230 acre site, and is ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 certified. This facility manufactures solid propellants and assembles inflator and gas generators for complex military systems and subsystems.
Propellant Manufacturing
- Ammonium Nitrate Based
- 5AT Based
- Strontium Nitrate Based
- Guanidine Nitrate Based
- Potassium Chlorate Based
Process Equipment
- Mechanical Mixers, Flo-Coaters, Grinding, Slugging, Granulation, Extrusion, Presses
Propellant Applications
- Military Applications: Our PSAN propellants are used in military and space dispensing and inflation systems
- Commercial Applications: surge propellants, auto ignition propellants, igniter and main bed propellants.

Delivering The Best To The Best®
General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is a global aerospace and defense company. We are committed to providing the U.S. military and its allies with an extensive range of overarching products that provide a cutting-edge advantage to our war fighters. A General Dynamics Company.
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