Next Generation Blast
and Fragmenting Warheads


Next Generation Blast
and Fragmenting Warheads


Traditional blast fragmentation warheads use high explosives and fragmenting metal cases to provide lethal effects against soft targets. Our next generation warheads combine these traditional approaches with controlled fragmentation, incendiary materials, and hardened case designs, greatly increasing the effectiveness of these systems.

World-Class Design, Development, and Production Capabilities

General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is a global leader in the design and development through production of lethal payloads for an array of applications. Our experience is built on decades of knowledge, skill, and expertise.

Next Generation Blast and Fragmenting Warheads

Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF)

The Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) is a new Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) warhead for extended range out to 300-499km. The LRPF provides Army field artillery units with the ability to suppress or destroy targets at a substantial distance for their location.


Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP)

New Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) warhead for extended range (300-499km) missile provides warfighters field artillery units with the ability to suppress or destroy targets at a substantial distance.


BLU-134/B Improved Lethality Warhead (ILW)

The BLU-134/B Improved Lethality Warhead (ILW) is a developing bomb case assembly for United States Airforce.


Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Unitary Warhead

The GMLRS Unitary warhead is the latest in a series of cutting-edge warfighting products, resulting from years of experience in warhead development and production. The GMLRS unitary warhead is well suited to the urban environment, extending the traditional GMLRS target set to include structures found in urban areas. The low collateral aspect helps ensure the target is taken out with limited or no damage to the surrounding area, and virtually no risk of unexploded ordnance.

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Hellfire R9E Warhead

The Hellfire R9E advanced blast fragmentation warhead penetrates and defeats a suite of diverse targets, expanding the capability of Lockheed Martin’s Hellfire Missile.

Tailored Fragment Sizes.
Improved Effectiveness.

Traditional blast fragmentation warheads are effective against unarmored vehicles and personnel, but their effectiveness can be limited against masonry targets and lightly armored vehicles. General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical System uses proprietary technology to tailor fragment sizes providing greater effectiveness against lightly armored targets. In addition, our warheads contain incendiary and other combustible materials, providing secondary effects that insure target destruction. Finally, with our hardened case designs, these warheads can penetrate masonry targets, bringing lethal effects against concealed targets.

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